Showing posts with label crazy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crazy. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Randy Travis on BATH SALTS!!

Randy Travis was found NAKED, laying in the road, after he crashed vehicle! The police on the scene say he was combative and intoxicated. On the way down to the station, he threatened to shoot and kill them!
Sounds like Randy Travis was on the bath salts!  Bath salt supposedly overheats the user and makes them aggressive  thus their desire to strip naked and fight. Good old Randy Travis might have accidentally smoked some at a bar? They should find out who he was with. Sad day for Randy Travis! He is the Trend Zombie of the hour! Did you know the dude was 6ft9?!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Nintendos new 3DS has now been confirmed to make people insane! Nintendo 3ds will make you totally crazy! After only a few hours of looking at the awesome 3d duel screen, symptoms manifest as cravings for mushrooms. If you don't find super mario mushrooms to ease the cravings, your eyes will pop out and you will go INSANE!!!! You have been warned!