Showing posts with label Breaking Dawn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breaking Dawn. Show all posts

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Twilights Robert Pattinson, a Ghost Clown!

Robert Pattinson stunned crowds today when he magically transformed himself into a ghost clown!
People are saying this move by Pattinson is a publicity stunt to draw attention away from his impregnation of Kristen Stewart. The two have been seen kissing in full clown gear, on the set of Breaking Dawn.
Stay tuned for the dramatic footage!

Editors note: I just got tired of making them into zombies. I think I'll do clowns for a while.... I know, I know, it's called trend ZOMBIE, but no ones really searching for that term anyway so who cares. Ghost clowns! I think I might have a new hit!