Showing posts with label Dr. Phil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Phil. Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2013

What Did Paula Dean Say? OFFENSIVE BUTTER FACE!!

Congratulations on being the most offensive butter face on earth!
All Paula Dean said, was that she loves black ****, covered in butter.
All the butter has turned her into a butter zombie! So she was going to come out and say butter is NOT HEALTHY. This is why life is now being ruined by the powerful DAIRY INDUSTRY.
Paula Dean will lose her pots and pans off QVC. Maybe she can get rehab from Dr. Phil.

Paula Dean is a known freemason mind control victim. You can buy a painting of her with butter pancakes.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Rockem Robot Love. Romney VS Obama

Only place in the internetz to find this meme. Romney Vs Obama Rock em sock em robot LOVE fest!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Extenze overdose turns Dr. Phil into a Zombie!!

Dr. Phil sucks! He is hooked on drugs! "DR" Phil got his fill of Extenze boner medicine and turned into a zombie! Dr. Phil, you must go to extenze rehab ASAP! Do not go home, go straight to rehab!

How can Dr. Phil send Ted Williams to rehab when he himself, has such a self destructive psychopathology?